Do you kick like you’re riding a bike?

Try floating on your back and gently kicking, do your knees pop up over the surface of the water? If so, you’re trying to run or ride a bike in the pool. This can wear you out and sap valuable energy!

Continue practicing in a back float, bend your knees back, slightly, towards the bottom of the pool. Then allow your ankle to be loose and drive a pointed toe forward so that it touches the surface of the water. As this toe comes up allow your hip to rise while the other leg is bending back towards the bottom of the pool. Repeat.

Rather than focusing on hinging at the knee, think of kicking from your hips or core.

Now flip on your stomach and try the same thing. Your knee will bend slightly, but only enough to engage you hip and drive a pointed toe down to the bottom, thus achieving optimum propulsion.

Rotation is key! If your hips are square to the bottom of the pool, consider shaking at the waist and really allowing your core to rotate in an exaggerated motion. Kicking is not a robotic motion only engaging your legs, get your whole body into it!

Unsure whether you’re getting the most propulsion out of your kick? Send us a video, or come over for some video capture and technique analysis today!

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