I can do it myself!

I crave efficiency. Perhaps this is why, I’ve always thought, “I can do it myself!” Whether it’s moving into a new house, moving across the country, filing taxes, financial planning, buying a house, installing irrigation, designing a logo, setting up a website, getting where I need to go, swim coaching. I’ve always thought: why should I pay someone, why should I take the time to find the right person, why should I trust someone else with my personal information, my idea, my stuff– I can do it myself.

For years, and years… and years, I’ve found my way like this. Sometimes taking two or three or more times as long to do something than if I had just reached out for help.

When I started marathon swimming, I thought I could swim by myself too. But how do you train for long distances? Besides that, it turns out you need a team just to get started. Someone to show you the way. Someone to carry your feeds. Someone to observe and document your swim.

Marathon Swimming opened me up to the idea of people helping people to pursue their dreams. I can’t achieve my goal without a team.

Can I be on your team?

For me it took the time constraints imposed by having kids to realize the power of relinquishing some of my “I can do it myself” responsibilities to experts. And wow, have I learned more about how things should be done and how efficiently they can be done! This is a work in progress, but I have particularly found value in my coaches.

In my journey as a coach, my need for efficiency has driven me to simplify the vast world of swimming tips, tricks, drills, quick fixes, to just four focus areas–posture, pull, rotation, and glide. For new swimmers, these are guideposts: start with good posture by floating, then add a pull, rotate to generate power, ride the glide. For experienced swimmers, these are check ins: how’s my posture, am I pushing water behind me when I pull, am I driving my rotation from my hip, am I gliding.

Can I help you swim more efficiently?

What will help you get started?

It’s true, I need you. If you didn’t fill out my survey for whatever reason, drop me an email. I love talking to people about what’s holding them back. I want to know how I can make you more comfortable and confident in the water so that you can take on whatever is challenging you. Whether you’re just trying to get your face wet, you want to give your joints a break and take up the life long sport of swimming, you want to steer clear of shoulder injuries, or you want to challenge yourself to swim further than you ever thought possible, I’d love to hear from you!

More than anything, on this Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for being you. If I’ve taught your kids swim lessons; thank you for trusting me with your little ones. If I’ve taught you lessons; thank you for confiding in me. If I’ve coached you to achieving a personal goal; thank you for having faith in me. If you’ve learned to swim more efficiently through one of my virtual programs; thank you for connecting with me through the ether. Thank you for having the courage to seek help and be part of my team!